
In the Junior School, our Mission Statement of ‘Christian, caring and dynamic….’ underpins our teaching and learning programs.

Nurturing and developing

The Junior School has an enrolment exceeding 600 students and there are four classes in Pre-K, Kindergarten and Year One, and three classes from Year 2 to Year 6.

The Junior School has a strong focus on Christian education, pastoral care, and social and emotional wellbeing. Our College Core Values are modelled on Luke 10:27 

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind; and love others as much as you love yourself.”
Luke 10:27

These values are explicitly taught and form part of the weekly teaching program.

As well as our College Core Values, the Australian designed ‘You Can Do It!’ Program has been embedded through our culture. The You Can Do It! education’s core purpose is the development of young people’s social and emotional capabilities, including the five foundations: confidence (academic, social), persistence, organisation, getting along, and emotional resilience.